Legal Disclaimers

Legal Disclaimers


All content provided by Armored Agent is for motivational, inspirational and general guidance purposes only. You should not consider any assistance, coaching or training that you may receive from Armored Agent, in any medium, to be legal, business or tax advice. Any such guidance or assistance is no substitute for the informed advice of competent legal, business, tax or other professional counsel. If you have substantive questions, you are highly encouraged to consult your private attorney, business or tax advisor, or other professional. The employees or owners of Armored Agent are not authorized to provide legal, business or tax advice.

Armored Agent is a corporate entity filed in the State of Colorado.


Some of the publications made available on this website are the intellectual property of Armored Agent, and are protected by applicable law and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Armored Agent.